Who We Are
Grim Hunter was created so good people could get quality gear for a decent price, and they could get it built in the USA by people who care. Grim Hunter Tactical Gear is used on a daily basis all over the world to help people do dangerous jobs risking their lives. We take great pride in knowing that the gear we build helps some of the bravest, most badass people on the planet to do their jobs better.
Grim Hunter Tactical Gear was started because I was sick of paying top dollar for low quality tactical gear. I would ruin my cheap gear and need to replace it almost faster than I could have new gear shipped to me.
I decided that I was probably able to make the gear myself. At first tools and materials were pretty basic. Soon things picked up speed and I changed to using top of the line machines, materials, and hardware. I found putting in the extra time and effort took more time, but the gear came out much better. Taking the time to add those extra layers or stitches makes a big difference in the final product. I tried making a few common pieces of gear, and after some trial and error I came out with some of the designs we still use today. I started to carry and use some of the gear I was making. I also gave some to some LEO friends to test for me. Before I knew it people were asking me to make the same gear for them, or for me to create something completely new. As time progressed I got better at what I was doing and eventually after some coaxing, I decided to make more designs, experiment with new materials. We brought on some new staff to help with our day to day and now the quality gear Grim Hunter makes is available for everyone to purchase.
Feel free to contact GHTG with any questions, or concerns.